Fix Stress

Stress is the scourge of the 21st century: the constant pressure that is caused by a steady stream of meetings, projects and deadlines means that one in four employees suffers from the affliction. In this Challenge, stress expert Dr Ionita provides tools and tasks you can do right now to help you better manage stress in your life.

10 lessons

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Challenge is a professional Bootcamp to get you at the top of your game. We’ve chosen these speakers carefully, so you have no excuses when it comes to giving your career a boost. Get new episodes aimed at coaching you on a specific theme such as stress management, productivity, remote working, or public speaking.

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10 lessons

Learning what stress is
Learning what stress is

To better defeat your enemies, you must first know them. In episode one, Dr Ionita goes back to basics, explaining the origins, effects and triggers of stress. She also provides tools for managing stress and a tip so you can get started right away.

Lesson 1 • 3mn
Recognize the signs of stress
Recognize the signs of stress

Believe it or not, stress is natural and not necessarily dangerous. But it can become contagious and cause you to experience some worrying symptoms. In episode two, Dr Ionita helps you recognise your stress signals so that you can manage it better.

Lesson 2 • 3mn
Your stress at work
Your stress at work

Cortisol, dopamine, adrenaline: stress is also a chemical reaction. And when it becomes a chronic condition, it can lead to burnout. To avoid this, Dr Ionita suggests monitoring your stress behaviour patterns and warning signs and challenges you to do the same for colleagues.

Lesson 3 • 4mn
Lifestyle, behaviour and stress
Lifestyle, behaviour and stress

Dr Ionita discusses one of the consequences of stress: lack of sleep. Since it creates a vicious circle, sleep deprivation is catastrophic in the long term. Here are some stretching, breathing and meditation exercises to do throughout the day so you can reduce stress and sleep better.

Lesson 4 • 4mn
The impacts of stress on the body
The impacts of stress on the body

Even if the stress you are experiencing is the result of work, it can still move from the office into the bedroom, affecting your sex life and even your weight. Dr Ionita shows us the effects stress has on our bodies and provides tips on how to avoid it.

Lesson 5 • 4mn
When work is toxic
When work is toxic

Tight deadlines happen to all of us on occasion. But if it happens to you a lot, it might be because you’re working in a toxic environment. Dr Ionita examines the circumstances that can lead to job stress and urges you to go ahead and voice them.

Lesson 6 • 4mn
Reasons of stress are not obvious
Reasons of stress are not obvious

Emotions play an important role in stress levels. And that’s especially true when you don’t feel like you talk about them openly. You might fear reprisals such as losing face in front of colleagues or even losing your job. In episode seven, Dr Ionita looks at the hidden sources of stress in the workplace.

Lesson 7 • 4mn
Keeping stress under control
Keeping stress under control

This challenge has thus far helped you gain perspective on your stress, enabling you to better understand it and take action. But what can you do when stress takes you off-guard? Dr Ionita draws up a checklist of anti-stress habits you can adopt to avoid panicking and keep your cool.

Lesson 8 • 4mn
Prevent and avoid burn-out
Prevent and avoid burn-out

Whether you’re a manager or employee, burnout is everyone’s worst nightmare. But when people feel comfortable expressing frustrations and negative feelings, emotional breakdowns are less likely to occur. In this episode, Dr Ionita offers advice on how to create a healthy and open work environment.

Lesson 9 • 3mn
Preventing stress in the long run
Preventing stress in the long run

For the last episode, Dr Ionita lists five key takeaways from this challenge that will help you manage your stress more effectively. These "pillars" for building a greater balance between all of life’s different aspects will give you the tools you need to create an anti-stress environment.

Lesson 10 • 4mn