Lead your negotiation

Whether for work or private life, many of us spend a lot of time negotiating. That said, a successful outcome makes it all worthwhile. Author and consultant Eduard Beltran knows how to get there—he’s trained over 5,000 executives and managers in 150 companies. In this Challenge, he will show you how to realise your full negotiating potential.

10 lessons

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10 lessons

What is Negotiation ?
What is Negotiation ?

Most of us are in negotiations an average of 10,000 times a year—in other words, we try to work one thing out every hour. And because negotiation is all around us, learning how to do it well is within everyone's reach. In this first episode, Beltran explores the art of negotiation from different angles and introduces various techniques.

Lesson 1 • 5mn
Do your Homework
Do your Homework

"By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail." In this episode, Beltran uses a famous quote from Benjamin Franklin to highlight the importance that preparation plays in successful negotiation. To take your learning even further, our expert introduces his negotiation toolbox and its five key points.

Lesson 2 • 5mn
Ask and Listen
Ask and Listen

Good communication is the foundation of any successful negotiation process. And as the ancient saying goes, “We have two ears and one mouth so that we can listen twice as much as we speak.” While listening gives you valuable information about the person you are negotiating with, speaking allows you to ask them the right questions!

Lesson 3 • 6mn
The negociation sequence
The negociation sequence

Many everyday negotiations are informal. But for high-stakes negotiations, following specific guidelines improves your chances of “getting to yes”. In this episode, Beltran introduces a famous 7-step sequence that will position you for success and help you avoid the typical mistakes of unprepared conversation.

Lesson 4 • 6mn
Your negociation profile
Your negociation profile

Many factors inform how you approach negotiations, such as personality, background, education, self-confidence and even your position in the company. This episode teaches you about the five negotiator types. You’ll identify which one you are, and learn how to adapt it to other types engaged in the negotiation process.

Lesson 5 • 5mn
Increase your power
Increase your power

The negotiation process is all about power play. But power can take many forms, some of which you might not expect. Here Beltran helps you learn how to unleash your power during negotiations, from drawing on your strengths to having a Plan B.

Lesson 6 • 5mn
Manage relationships
Manage relationships

Relationship building must be front and centre of every negotiation you engage in. The relationship you have with your partner can make or break the entire process. And to ensure the relationship you build is an asset, nothing beats trust. In this episode, Beltran introduces the three pillars of relationship building for a successful outcome.

Lesson 7 • 5mn
Choose your strategy
Choose your strategy

Time, information and power—these three variables determine the course of every negotiation and indicate which strategy to adopt. Here Beltran shows you five ways to add value to your proposal so you can lay the groundwork for a successful negotiation.

Lesson 8 • 5mn
Dealing with complexity
Dealing with complexity

Even if you come well-prepared and positioned for success, some negotiations are just complicated. Deadlocks come in many forms. Perhaps there are too many people involved or the differences between them too vast. Or maybe the stakes are simply too high. In this episode, Beltran shares his secrets to overcoming negotiation deadlocks.

Lesson 9 • 5mn
Closing the deal
Closing the deal

Not every negotiation ends with signing a contract. The most important thing is to find an agreement that is acceptable for all parties concerned. And in the worst-case scenario—if you don't "win"—you still come out having learned invaluable skills that will only make your strategy stronger for the future.

Lesson 10 • 5mn