Create to innovate

Develop your creative potential with Alexis Botaya, an entrepreneur, author and expert speaker on innovation. Become a workplace innovator by delving into the biological and psychological sources of creativity and discovering how to activate your imagination on a daily basis.

10 lessons

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10 lessons

Is everyone creative?
Is everyone creative?

Many people value creativity, both in their professional and personal lives. But what does it really mean to be creative? In the first episode, Alexis Botaya sets out to dispel some common myths about creativity and show that it isn’t the preserve of a gifted elite—it’s just about knowing how to work it.

Lesson 1 • 5mn
Break the routine
Break the routine

One of creativity’s greatest enemies is the automatic reflexes that prevent us from thinking “outside of the box”. Naturally, overcoming these deeply rooted and unconscious habits takes time and effort. But in the long run, rewiring your brain will increase its neuroplasticity and give your creative thinking powers a boost.

Lesson 2 • 6mn
Question the evidence
Question the evidence

Creative thinking involves questioning the status quo on a continual basis. Inspired by the principles of the Bauhaus school and applying the “5 whys” technique used by many startups, Botaya tells you how to avoid common conceptual traps so you can skirt the obvious and go straight into the creative zone.

Lesson 3 • 6mn
Feed the machine
Feed the machine

Creativity is a bit like building a fire. To make it bigger and keep it going, you must continuously stoke it. And curiosity is your fuel. By opening your mind to the world around you, you’ll get into a routine of inspiration that moves you into the creative process. Just make sure you aren’t fixating on results.

Lesson 4 • 5mn

Staying creative is all about flexibility. When your frame of mind is rigid, closed and focused on control, you’ll never be open to discovering new horizons. That’s why you must push yourself to accept uncertainty, let things go and be ready to face those who think differently from you.

Lesson 5 • 5mn
Promote Collaboration
Promote Collaboration

The creative process shouldn’t always be a solo act. You need other people and their different opinions to make your ideas a reality. But it is important to foster a creative environment based on trust—not fear—so individual talents can also find collective expression.

Lesson 6 • 5mn
Work with constraints
Work with constraints

Creativity is sometimes threatened by everyday obstacles. As a result, staying motivated depends upon our ability to accept the limitations of time, money and even other colleagues. In this episode, Botaya shows you how putting perfection aside and working with what you have can transform a crisis into a creative opportunity.

Lesson 7 • 5mn
Creative Doubt
Creative Doubt

Although every good idea takes time to ripen, one of the biggest challenges to creative thinking is the negative opinions and judgements you encounter from other people early on. Since self-doubt is an integral part the process, Botaya teaches you how to overcome its negative effects and use it as a driving force.

Lesson 8 • 5mn
Taming failure
Taming failure

As the saying goes, “The road to success is paved with failures.” While this mindset can be hard to accept and ultimately embrace, it plays a vital role in developing creative thought. In this episode, Botaya shows that accepting failure’s role in success can help you refine your ideas and make them a reality.

Lesson 9 • 5mn
Do the work!
Do the work!

One of the biggest myths about creativity is that it comes from sudden moments of genius. But creativity is often said to be “1% inspiration and 99% perspiration.” In the final episode, Botaya encourages you to commit to working on your creativity by keeping your mind open and active instead of sitting back and waiting for that lightbulb moment.

Lesson 10 • 5mn